

August 2022

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, August 28th @ 11am

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On Sunday, August 28th, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, August 21st @ 11am

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On Sunday, August 21st, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, August 14th @ 11am

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On Sunday, August 14th, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word and Holy Communion
Sunday, August 7th @ 11am

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On Sunday, August 7th, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion. The elements will be provided for you if you are worshipping in-person at

July 2022

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, July 31st @ 11am

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On Sunday, July 31st, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, July 3rd @ 11am

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On Sunday, July 3rd, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus

June 2022

Third Sunday after Pentecost – A Service of the Word
Sunday, June 26th @ 11am

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On Sunday, June 26th, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the

Second Sunday after Pentecost Fathers Day – A Service of the Word
Sunday, June 19th @ 11am – Juneteenth Freedom Day

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We gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia Apartments or

Heritage Sunday 2022 of the Evangelical and Reformed Church A Service of the Word
June 12th @ 11am – Trinity Sunday

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We gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia Apartments

To Press In, Linger, Listen, and Listen Some More
June 5th @ 11am – Pentecost Day

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Sunday, June 5 ,2022 - Pentecost Day A Service of the Word and Holy Communion We gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. Pentecost Sunday - we encourage you to wear red - it symbolizes the

May 2022

A Service of the Word
May 29th @ 11am – Easter 7

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We gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M. We welcome our special guest preacher for Sunday, the Rev. Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association, Ohio NorthEast, Heartland Conference, United Church of

May 26th

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Ascension Thursday - May 26, 2022 Scripture: Acts 11:1-11 "For the Ascension, in Acts 1:1-11, we learn that Jesus remained with the disciples after his resurrection for about forty days, speaking about God’s beloved reign. When the time came near for him to depart, he assured them that while they were baptized with water, soon

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