by zionchurchcle

On Sunday, August 14th, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M.
To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia apartments or enter from the accessible ramp from the rear parking lot. When you arrive, call Bob at 216-375-5323 to open the parking lot gate.
For the online link and phone info to join the worship service via Zoom, please scan down below…
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the rise in COVID cases, we request the wearing of a face mask regardless of vaccination and booster status while in the Chapel common areas.
Beverly began a part-time position… She will be keeping some limited Office Hours at church/home. The days and hours are:
Monday – 9am – 1pm
Wednesday – 11am – 4pm
Thursday – 9am – 1pm
Beverly can be reached at: [email protected] or by phone at: 216-273-7561 (church) or 216-310-6810 (mobile).
The bulletin is attached. You may use it to follow along with us in the worship service or as a Devotional this week.
The Scripture Readings are:
FIRST READING: Jeremiah 23:23-29
The prophet Jeremiah speaks on behalf of God, and proclaims that that God isn’t like one of the local deities the other peoples around them know, but God is the God of the universe. There were prophets claiming to speak for God to the people, but they told the people what they wanted to hear, instead of the way of God. God’s word is like fire that consumes and a hammer that shatters rock. It calls us to change our ways and destroys the walls of injustice.
PSALM RESPONSE: Psalm 82:1-8
Psalm 82 sings of God’s power among other gods. In a polytheistic society, the psalmist sings of God’s might and power, and how God looks to those who are marginalized, those who are poor and oppressed, against other gods. For other deities will not stand, they will die like mortals, and only God will endure. God is the God of all people, the one who judges the earth.
SECOND READING: Hebrews 11:29-12:2
The Epistle reading continues to follow in the letter to the Hebrews. Last week’s portion began this section about faith, and how Abraham and Sarah believed in God’s word. God promised that their descendants would be as numerous as the stars, though they only had one child and in their old age. They were also promised a new home, but when they arrived, they still referred to themselves as strangers in a strange land, a hint that the promise of God was still to be fulfilled. In this section, the writer continues with the stories of Abraham and Sarah’s descendants but also some of the most notorious figures, such as Rahab and Samson, Gideon and Jephthah and others, to David and Samuel and the prophets, up through the first century and the early church, the martyrs of the faith. All of these were worthy, and yet still did not receive what was promised. These are our cloud of witnesses, so that believers may endure and persevere, shedding the sins of the world and looking to Jesus as the example.
GOSPEL: Luke 12:49-56
Jesus continues to speak about his purpose and the time of judgment in Luke 12. Jesus came with a message that divides, that will destroy sin and purify the earth. This message will divide family and friends and communities. The time is coming, but people are not aware of the signs. The people are hypocrites for they understand how to prepare from season to season and year to year but cannot comprehend the vast transformation coming because of Christ.
The Sermon/ Reflection is “Disturber of the Peace” by the Rev. Scott Rosenstein based on the lectionary readings.
Our Worship Service is also available through the Zoom platform on Sunday, August 14th, 2022, at 11:00 A.M. (Eastern Time).
Please join us to give thanks to God this Sunday, in-person in the Chapel, or via Zoom!
Pastor Scott
216-273-7561 – church (new phone number)
216.577.1514 – mobile
Bulletin Cover Image:
Todd L. Thomas Art Collection: Christian Prophetic Art
painting by Todd L. Thomas, 2009 from Fine Art