by zionchurchcle

On Sunday, August 21st, 2022, we gather for a Worship Service in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M.
To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia apartments or enter from the accessible ramp from the rear parking lot. When you arrive, call Bob at 216-375-5323 to open the parking lot gate.
For the online link and phone info to join the worship service via Zoom, please scan down below…
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the rise in COVID cases, we request the wearing of a face mask regardless of vaccination and booster status while in the Chapel common areas.
Beverly began a part-time position… She will be keeping some limited Office Hours at church/home. The days and hours are:
Monday – 9am – 1pm
Wednesday – 11am – 4pm
Thursday – 9am – 1pm
Beverly can be reached at: [email protected] or by phone at: 216-273-7561 (church) or 216-310-6810 (mobile).
Zion’s previous website was created and maintained for many years by Michael Lukacs. Our thanks to Michael for his generosity and service over the years! As times and circumstances have changed in the life of the church and in technology and hosting platforms, it was deemed time for a new site. Tremont-based web designer, Jill Lackey and her staff at Grove Design & Marketing created a new website for us in consultation with Pastor Scott Rosenstein and Bob Bucklew. Our thanks to Jill and her staff! Our new website address is: Check out our website and Facebook page for updates and news!
The bulletin is attached. You may use it to follow along with us in the worship service or as a Devotional this week.
The Scripture Readings are:
FIRST READING: Isaiah 58:9b-14
The Hebrew Scripture reading turns to Second Isaiah in these verses from chapter 58. God speaks through the prophet to the people who have returned from exile, saying that if they put aside their evil and oppressive ways and instead provide for those in need, God will satisfy their needs. They will rebuild and be strong and be known as the ones who repair the brokenness and restore the way. If they turn back to God’s ways, they will know the fullness of God’s promises to their ancestors
Psalm Response: Psalm 103:1-8
This is a song of praise and blessing. The psalmist calls the people to worship God, who forgives, heals, redeems, and restores. God works justice for the oppressed and is full of mercy and steadfast love. God’s ways were made known to Moses and through all the prophets and will satisfy the faithful with goodness.
Second Reading: Hebrews 12:18-29
The Epistle reading continues in Hebrews with these verses in chapter 12. In the case of their ancestors, only Moses could approach God’s holy mountain of Sinai, but now, all believers can approach God upon the new Zion, the holy mountain city of God. Jesus has mediated a new covenant with his blood. The writer warns against rejecting Jesus the way the people rejected Moses, for Moses warned from earth, but Jesus warns from heaven. Though the earth and worldly nations are shaken, heaven cannot be, and those who are faithful receive the unshakable reign of God. God is a consuming, purifying fire, the One whom we serve in faithfulness, ready to be cleansed and made pure.
Gospel: Luke 13:10-17
Jesus heals a woman suffering from physical disability in this account in Luke 13. The woman was unable to stand up straight due to a spirit, but Jesus called her over and told her she was set free, and immediately she could stand. She began praising God. But the leader of the synagogue was upset that Jesus healed her on the Sabbath when she could have been healed at any other time. Jesus calls them hypocrites, for surely, they would water and feed their animals on the Sabbath, so why could he not set free this daughter of Abraham? While there are several stories of Jesus healing on the Sabbath and someone being upset by it, the people upset are in the minority. The issue is not that Jesus healed this woman or that it’s the Sabbath, it’s that this particular leader didn’t see this woman as part of his community, a “daughter of Sarah and Abraham.” Jesus showed her kindness and compassion. The demon removed perhaps is the demon of separation, the way we “other” people, especially those with disabilities.
The Sermon/Reflection is “Compassion that Surpasses” by the Rev. Scott Rosenstein based on Luke 13:10-17.
Our Worship Service is also available through the Zoom platform on Sunday August 21st, 2022, at 11:00 A.M. (Eastern Time).
Please join us to give thanks to God this Sunday, in-person in the Chapel, or via Zoom!
Pastor Scott
216-273-7561 – church (new phone number)
216.577.1514 – mobile
Bulletin Cover Image: “Jesus and the Bent over Woman”
2014 Acrylic on Canvas by Barbara Schwarz