by Admin

We invite you to share the light in a service with beautiful music and a message that reminds us of that night long ago that continues to transform our world and our lives. The Christmas Eve worship service will include carols, a relevant Christmas message and our cherished tradition of passing the candle light and joining in the singing of “Silent Night” (accompanied by Keith Konet on the piano and Adam Prosino on violin.
We gather for a brief Advent 4 Worship Service followed by our Christmas Eve Worship Service of Carols and Candlelight in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street – on the campus of San Sofia Apartments) at 6:30pm.
Note: There is no 11:00am service on Sunday, December 24th.
The evening Worship Service will also include Special Music: A Solo of “Ave Maria” by Keith Konet – and A Choral Hymn, “ Lo, How a Rose E’re Blooming” – both accompanied by Music Director and Pianist, Adam Petrosino.
We also invite you to join us for Christmas Cookies and Refreshments at 5:30pm before the worship service.
To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia apartments or enter from the accessible ramp from the rear parking lot. When you arrive, call Bob at 216-375-5323 to open the parking lot gate.
The bulletins for the brief Advent 4 worship service along with the bulletin for the Christmas Eve Service of Carols and Candlelight are attached. You may use them to follow along in our worship services or as devotionals this coming week.
The Scripture Readings for Advent 4:
Luke 1:26-38 – The Birth of Jesus Foretold
Luke 1:39-56 – Mary Visits Elizabeth – and Mary’s Song of Praise
The Scripture Readings for Christmas Eve are:
Isaiah 9:2-7 – The Justice Reign of the Coming Ruler
Psalm 96 – Exuberant Praise of God as Sovereign/Ruler and Creator
Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth of Jesus – The Shepherds and the Angels
The Sermon/ Reflection is “There Was No Place for Them” by The Rev. Scott Rosenstein.
Please join us this Christmas Eve to give thanks to God at Zion Chapel!
Advent and Christmas Blessings,
Pastor Scott Rosenstein
216-273-7561 – church
216-577-1514 – mobile
Bulletin Cover Image:
Advent 4 Candles
by Stushie Art
Church bulletin cover Stushie art unique crayon and digital worship art
A Scottish pastor, ministering in East Tennessee