by zionchurchcle

Sunday, May 1st, 2022 – Third Sunday of Easter – A Service of the Word and Holy Communion. Worship service at 11:00 A.M. at the Chapel. We share a campus with San Sofia Apartments. To access the Chapel, use the Directory in front of 2700 W. 14th Street. Buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) for entrance. Visitor parking accessible from W14th Street or use street parking on W. 14th Street.
We also offer worship on the Zoom platform online and by phone at 11:00 A.M. Scan down post for log-in info.
The Sermon/Reflection for May 1st is: “When Shame Meets Grace – and Grace Wins” by the Rev. Scott Rosenstein – based on the reading from John 21:1-25.
The Gospel reading of John 21 is a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to 7 disciples on a beach on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee). The disciples have been fishing all night and have caught nothing. The mysterious stranger on the beach directs them to lower their nets again – and now there is a miraculous and abundant catch of fish. The stranger (now recognized as Jesus) offers grilled fish and bread to the disciples on the shore. The episode includes a 3-fold conversation between Jesus and Peter (“Peter, do you love me? – Feed my lambs/sheep”) that transforms Peter’s shame and guilt for denying Jesus three times before the crucifixion. Shame is transformed by Grace – and Peter is given the new – and challenging – mission to care for Christ’s flock.
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Passcode: 812745
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312 626 6799 – or – 929 436 2866 – or – 301 715 8592
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Meeting ID: 864 1916 9369 #
Passcode: 812745 #
Bulletin Cover Art: “The Miraculous Catch of Fish,” 1910 by Jan Toorop, a Dutch-Indonesian painter.