by zionchurchcle
Sunday, May 15,2022 – Easter 5 – Celebration of the 155th Anniversary of the Founding of Zion Church (1867-2022).
We gather for a Worship Service of Thanksgiving in-person at the Chapel (2700 W 14th Street) and via the Zoom platform (online and by phone) at 11:00 A.M.
To join us at the Chapel, buzz Zion Church (Bob Bucklew) from the Directory at the front of the 2700 Building on the campus of San Sofia Apartments or enter from the accessible ramp from the rear parking lot. When you arrive, call Bob at 216-375-5323 to open the parking lot gate.
A Light Lunch and Anniversary reception follows the worship service. If you would like to bring a dish to share, please feel free to do so (this is purely optional). Messages of Congratulations will also be shared from Community Leaders.
For the online link and phone info to join the worship service via Zoom, please scan down the e-mail below…
Click HERE to access the bulletin. You may use it to follow along with us in the worship service or as a Devotional this week.
The Scripture Readings are:
First Reading: Acts 11:1-18 – The Apostle Peter’s Report to the Jerusalem Church – God has given to the gentiles the repentance that leads to life
Psalm Response: Psalm 148 – Praise for God’s Universal Glory
Second Reading: Revelation 21:1-6 – The New Heaven and the New Earth
Gospel Reading: John 13:31-35 – Jesus’ Commandment to Love
The Sermon/Reflection is “Love One Another” by the Rev. Scott Rosenstein inspired by John 13:31-35.
Our Anniversary Worship Service of Thanksgiving is also available through the Zoom platform on Sunday, May 15th, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. (Eastern Time).
To join with a PC, Laptop, or Smart Phone (iphone or android), use the link below:
Passcode: 147205
or enter into your browser:
To join with a regular phone or landline phone, dial:
Then follow the prompts and enter:
Meeting ID: 891 9183 0979 #
Password: 147205 #
If asked for a Personal ID, just dial #
Please join us to give thanks to God and celebrate our 155th Anniversary this Sunday, in-person in the Chapel, or via Zoom!